How To Fix Our World? Lessons Learned On The Road
New year, this time the Gregorian variant, is time for reminiscing and making promises to be broken. For us, it is a day just like any other day. We celebrated it by cleaning the house just like we did at Christmas. When you celebrate only a few days, you make all the other days feel less important. We choose to celebrate every single moment with the same intensity.
Although humanity is pretty much a lost cause and the easiest fix would be our rapid extinction, there are some things we can do to fix our world. We figured them out on the road in 140 countries during the past 20 years.
Don’t eat plastics, it’s not healthy
Our oceans and food chain is contaminated by plastics. Plastics damage cells, weaken immune system and cause cancer and infertility which will eventually help to solve the root cause which is us. The more people there are, the more they produce plastic trash, and the more there are plastics in our food to poison us. At the same time institutions like the EU are pretending to address the issue, for example, by mandating attached plastic bottle caps. If they really wanted to fix the problem, they would ban all single-use products and packagings, and promote reuse instead of recycling by burning.
If you don't like eating plastics, don't buy throw-away plastic packaging or single-use plastic products such as plastic bottles, plastic bags, cups, surgical face masks, and cigarrettes. They will end up in nature and landfills unless they are burned in recycling facilities. Eventually plastics will break down to lethal micro plastics killing animals including us. Plastics are pollution.
Stop voting
Democracies are supposed to warrant freedom while they actually take it away. People vote hoping for a change that never comes. All election candidates are already corrupt. We are forced to select a lesser evil instead of someone whom we support. This ensures that the current oligarchs remain in power. Our "elected" leaders make us hate and kill other people, force us to take experimental vaccines, and in general do whatever they want.
In fact, current democracies have very little to do with democracy. In Ancient Greece, democracy was based on sortition. Leaders were selected using lottery. Corrupting all election candidates was not possible, and those who got elected had no reason to secure their next terms. If we readopted sortition and dismissed the current leaders, the problem would be solved. As long as we keep voting, nothing will change.
Make peace not war
Wars will be raging around the world as long as they are profitable and driven by national interests. Winning a war, however, is not possible as only losers fight wars. When a war breaks out, the participants have already lost. Violence is not a way to solve problems; it only causes more violence and problems.
We can eradicate wars by choosing not to hate or harm other people under any circumstances, and by refusing to pick sides in conflicts. If nobody agrees to fight or pay taxes to finance wars, violence will end. These are personal decisions that anyone can make. What others choose to do is their problem, and if they want wars, let them suffer and die — problem solved. Scrapping countries would eradicate national interests.
Trust no 1
One-sided news, social media and search engines promote particular interests. Some discussions and topics are censored and search results filtered. The same way AI bots promote the biases of those who program them and those who pay for them. Scientific research is biased by funding that precludes critical research and controversial results. Clerics preach war while Jesus, prophet Muhammad and Buddha were all against violence. Whom should you trust?
Trust no one. Your options are 1) to stop following news and quit social media, or 2) to read all sides of the stories, especially those that are censored, banned or ridiculed. Always consider who paid for the news, why, and what they want in return. Most importantly, pay attention to those news that are not published. For example, when one media writes about something that all the others ignore, it might be significant.
Replace cars with public transport
We haven’t had a car for 20 years. For longer distances, we use public transport. Shorter distances we walk, even in the US. Breathing cleaner air and walking without having to dodge cars and road kills is preferable for us.
Cars are the second biggest polluter in the world rigth after housing. It doesn't matter what type of fuel cars use. Promoting electric cars is greenwashing until there exist pollution-free energy sources such as fusion power. The planet could be easily cured from car infestation. Money wasted on direct and indirect subsidies for the car industry and the big oil is enough for funding public transport service free of charge for everybody on earth.
Happy Gregorian New Year,
Dislaimer: These opinions may be heretic, insane, woke, globalist, Putinist, far rightist or leftist, communist, Marxist, extremist, blatantly false, fake news, and perhaps all wrong — depending on your point of view.