Why visit Prague?

Man hanging out statue of Sigmund Freud in Prague, Czech

If you want to admire romantic bridges, go to Paris.

If you want to do window shopping, head to Champs-Elysees and Galeries Lafayette Haussmann.

For panoramic views, take a lift to Eiffel tower.

For the best rated beer, drink at one of Belgium’s monastic breweries.

For buying a pair of Jimmy Choo shoes, London is your first choice.


If you can’t afford Paris, Belgium or London, go to Prague. As a bonus you will see suicidal Sigmund Freud hanging out.

To understand why Sigmund Freud was suicidal, visit Austria and experience angst.

P.S. if you can’t afford Prague or Austria, go to Tbilisi — unless you are a gay and don’t want to get beaten by ultra orthodox priests or stabbed by homophobic locals for wearing an earring. In that case you should save money to go to Prague instead.


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