Fix: Blogger Dynamic Views Fails to Load Properly

Here is how to fix your Blogger dynamic views theme bug that makes menu and custom CSS disappear causing websites and blogs look ugly.

This article has been moved to Web & SEO Designers discussion forum at Fixed: Blogger Dynamic Views Fails to Load Properly.


Jidhu Jose said…
i also have the same problem
Sorry to hear that, Jidhu. Please share this post to increase awareness for pressuring Google to fix the bug. Thanks!
Dertycia said…
me too, from Spain
Sorry to hear, Dertycia. Spread the word and keep pressuring Google!
Update: somebody claiming to somehow represent blogger finally reacted saying that the bug was indeed intentional in products forum.

Sounds like a load of crap, but let's see what happens next. The bug remains.
Could you explain what you mean by change the javascript?
Dynamic views use javascript to draw the user interface and there is an idiotic timeout hard coded in the template. We changed the timeout value higher in this web site to test will it cure the bug. Does the site work for you? Any problems? As soon as we are convinced that the fix works and there are no side-effect, we will release in on this page.
Marc Weisel said…
Awesome! I (and the community) can't thank you enough for this much needed solution.
Unknown said…
Thanks for the fix, finally my blog works as it should. :)
This worked for me too! (not 500 but 800 miliseconds worked for me)

Thanks for the followup and prompt feedbacks!

you rock!
Mike Wynn said…
Thanks, this fixed by problem.
This doubled my traffic today! Actually I would say the bug was holding the actual traffic flow...

Thanks a lot!
Unknown said…
Genius. Absolute genius!

Change 800 to this web site as well to see if there are any side effects. So far everything is ok. Will update the instructions to 800 soon if there are no surprises. You are welcome and thanks for sharing your experiences!
No worries and you are welcome guys. Please keep spreading the word so we get all the rest of the broken dynamic views websites fixed. Happy hacking!
Unknown said…
You sir are brilliant!! I have had the problem for months on my blog and couldnt find a fix even in the forums. I was actually gooigling how to revert back to regular views when i found this post. Finally this has fixed the problem and also fixed the issue with other things not loading such as the comments section!
Yoboy said…
Hi Paivi,

Mind if I link to your page in one of my posts?
Don't mind, please do so. The wider we spread this solution, the more people are likely to find it and have their blogs fixed.
vivere300anni said…
Thank You ! I HAD the same problem!
Blake said…
Thank you!! Been wondering why this was happening and that was the issue! Brilliant.
Unknown said…
Thank you!!! I have had this problem for months and now it appears fixed!
Just a few days ago I quit Dynamic View and I switched back to my old style. Meanwhile I lost have of my comments. I pay for this blog and I hate to use a BETA version because this is what it is. They are hopeless. I will try it again after a few years and not with my official blog but some testing one. Thank you for your efforts. Always greatly appreciated.
now it works finally
thank you very much
Zabou said…
I had this issue for months and thanks to you it works fine now! THANK YOU!
Neo Weblogger said…
Works for my too. Thanks a lot for sharing.
No reports for any problems with 800. Seems that there was no side-effects so we updated 500 to 800 in the instructions. Thanka a lot for your input,!
Carla Raguseo said…
Thanks a lot!! We've used the info on this post to fix the same problem!
Thank you SO MUCH! Struggled for long too, regards to other Dynamic Views users..
thank you very much, helped me a lot :). I'm from Brazil
LiamTemple said…
fixed my problem, thanks alot :)
Unknown said…
You guys rock! Fantastic fix. Works great.
Thank you both for doing this. YN. has this post on his site so it lead me here Paivi. Thanks for this fix. I thought I was crazy or something lol.
Shilpa J said…
Wow, this totally fixed it! I've been trying forever to solve this problem and it was driving me crazy. Thank you guys!
Unknown said…
Great stuff it's fixed, thanks very much!
Nadim said…
I can not thank you enough. I've had my blog for over a year and I've been suffering with people constantly telling me my blog is so plain (just because it doesn't load). I can't thank you enough for this brilliant fix :D
Unknown said…
Merci ! ça à l'air de fonctionner pour moi aussi =)
Unknown said…
Superb, thanks for the help!
Unknown said…
Oh jesus!! you saved my life!!
Hardi said…
Thank you so much! I shared the post!
Anonymous said…
Thank you. Worked for me. The site is now showing correctly in chrome again.

Philippe Avenel said…
Thanks so much, it works fine now!!!
But now, I wonder if I also went from 500 to 800 as you did, then why not 1000?!? ;)
Thank you in advance for your response...

PS: Google France has not yet found the solution! (!!! ;)
You are welcome, everyone of you, and thanks a lot for sharing the solution.

The longer the delay, the longer the page takes initially to load. 1000 is just 1 second, so it does not cause much delay anyway, but it is hard to anticipate possible side-effects without testing that first. We might have to have a higher delay in future when more dynamic views blogs become functional after fixing this bug, and there will be more traffic to load the javascripts and stylesheets. Currently google is not packing them and they are not really optimised for fast loading either.

We are not quite certain if google is interested in supporting dynamic views at all and fixing its bugs in future. The way they didn't react to this bug demonstrating that they really did not care about their users was quite discomforting. It might well be that the next major bug will the final show-stopper for all of us dynamic views users. There are some functionality on the platform level that can not be fixed blogger because it is not open source.

Anyway, we are hoping for the best and wishing you happy hacking and blogging!
Mel said…
Thank you so much! My comment section wasn't showing up at all the past two weeks, and this fixed the issue.
Unknown said…
Thank you very much! I just modified the timeout value and it works like a charm. I'm really disappointed that Blogger doesn't take care of such issue, if they suggest us to use one of their new template they should ensure it works perfectly. Hopefully there are people like you to help the community!
Ken Yamamoto said…
Thanx for solving the problem for us.
Stephen said…
Looks like this fixed my blog.
Unknown said…

Thank you so much for this solution which works perfectly fine - I love the new and responsive template but I was close to change platform because of this problem

Kind regards

Unknown said…
Great!!! It worked for me. Thanks a lot :). Now I can keep blogging. I really appreciate your help +Päivi
Unknown said…
thank you!!! seems to be working
OCD™ said…
so great to find someone who actually knows what they are talking about. The fix worked perfectly. cheers from Australia
Stacy Lanyon said…
I tried, and nothing has changed. It's incrementally gotten tot he point where I no longer have any color in my header and the rest of my blog. Even when I go to advanced settings to try and customize it, it will not even show color changes in the preview.
Stacy, thanks for sharing your problem. It could be that because there is now much more load thanks to dynamic views finally working properly, you will need to use higher delay value. What happens if you put 2000 instead of 800? That is 2 seconds. Does it change anything?
nina. said…
thank youuuuuuuuuu. fixed my blog. this finally helped me make up my mind to leave blogger, but i'm glad my site is fixed while i work on that :)
Anonymous said…
Thanks a lot for providing this fix. I was sniffing around everywhere thinking this was a browser related issue as for some reason Internet Explorer was rendering without any problems. :)

Regards from:
Brandt said…
Excellent! I was wondering what was up (figured it was the template). Appreciate this, thank you!
Unknown said…
Thanks a ton!
you are a champ am done with this :)
Unknown said…
That is great, thank you very much author! :)
Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Pastor Matt Richard
Also having a lot of problems with dynamic views. This is one of them. I've applied this fix and it seems be solved! Thanks!

I have being helped by Mishka: great helper!
AliceK said…
I make a lot of blog posts including photographs, and these often caused the timeout to be exceeded. Thanks for your fix - now my blog looks as it should again!
Freddie Horton said…
thank you so much this had been bugging me for ages!!
Hi Päivi!

Do you have informations about comments not being showing at static blogger pages? It is happening with me, also, Mishka is helping.


Hello Rafael,

we have not had comments on in static pages, so we don't know how they work. It looks like static pages, as well as some older blog posts on blogs with more than 100 posts, the pages load differently so that they are not "floating" on top of the page. Perhaps this can cause problems, or it maybe be just another programming error. Do you need the commenting to be on? You could just disable comments, or re-make your static pages as ordinary blog posts and add to the pages list links to those blog post pages.

Happy hacking,

Päivi & Santeri
Hi Päivi!

I was thinking of the last suggestion of yours...I think I will do this..

Thank you very much!

Unknown said…
Thank you for sharing, worked for me to.
ED said…
This has happened to me, but I can't find your html stuff in my blog's code?? :(
Päivi Kannisto said…
Emma, do you see anything in your template when you try to edit it? What is there at the end of the template?
Unknown said…
Thank you for this. This bug was killing me!
Takwirira said…
Awesome thank you!
We were having the same problem with our blog ( until we applied your fix. Thank you very much.
Ellie said…
Thank you thank you!! So helpful.
井上エイド said…
Thanks for bringing this up. I used to work on the Blogger team and am familiar with the engineers who work on this. I have brought it to their attention.
menjo said…
thank you.. it's work..!!
Unknown said…
Thank you for that. Works brilliantly.

Something on a similar note that I cannot find a fix for. There is a similar bug when individual pages load which stops some of the code on the page from loading correctly (facebook widget/related posts/social media addthis links)

Do you know how this can be fixed as well please?
Ed, perhaps that problem occurs because some javascript commands do not work with dynamic views because of the timing issues. For example document.write does not work but you can work it around using HTMLElementObject.innnerHTML inject. If you change the code of your widgets accordingly they might start working. We had to rewrite all our javascripts this way to make them work properly with dynamic views.
Fantastic fix - thank you very much - at last my blog looks the way I intended, and the menu bar above the posts allows me to navigate between different blogs again.
Unknown said…
Y'all rock! Thanks for the information. This has been driving me crazy, but I finally decided to look into today. Problem solved!
Rae said…
THANK YOU! For sending us to the right place!
Unknown said…
Thank you so much, it's work...
-BBT said…
I don't have the code you posted to change, what do I do? I use Dynamic it's still very messed up, I get the Ghost Template every time almost.

-BBT said…
Never mind my previous comment as I found it, the normal ctrl+f wouldn't pick up the code for some reason so I used the search within the HTML. Thank you very much, I now load up every time.
What are the 10 last lines in your template HTML? You can get there from Dashboard selecting Template from the pulldown menu and then Edit HTML.
Anonymous said…
Yay!!!!! Thank you!

I just saw that in a later post, that same person is now posting a solution similar to yours ;)!msg/blogger/cfFRzQu6P8o/Sn1qz55hYDcJ
Well, if he wants to take credit for fixing the bug, let him have it, if it makes him happy. The main thing is that people get their blogs fixed and working. This is all really something that Google should have figured out over half an year ago...
Ted Reid Vlad said…
Thank you so much! :) said…
I don't understand why Google doesn't fix this bug... "Is Google planning to shut down blogger?" is a good question... "Does this imply that the dynamic views template will soon be discontinued?" even if 2 million people are using them? YES! Google Reader had millions of users...

Mishka says : "the dynamic templates were never intended to use any kind of custom CSS". I do not use custom CSS, but the bug is here...

Concerning my blogs, I reverted back to non-dynamic, and added links with /view at the right of the URL, for people which want to see my blogs in dynamic mode. With /view, there is no bug...
Interesting. Did you manage to make the dock somehow visible that way? What did you do? I might be that Mishka is not what he claims to be.
Manish said…
800 timeout may have to be increased on slow internet connections. I noticed this while doing some intensive network usage. I have added this point at .
We increased the timeout in fix from 800 to 1000 (1 second) after testing the higher value one week in this website. There were no visible side-effect and nobody reported any problems. If you encounter any problems or want to play safe, please update your template as well.

We have received some emails from people who were worried that somebody had stolen the credits for making the fix. That appears to be just a misunderstanding. One of our readers had posted the fix to google product forums and then a bunch of others assumed that he had made the fix and started to spread the misinformation. So nothing serious happened except a lot of outdated copy-pastes around the forum with the old, original, timeout value of 500.

When you spread the word, it is better to link the source just in case the fixes get updated like what happened now. Perhaps we will have to increase the value once again in the future, or change the fix in some other way. Unfortunately 500 hardly works anywhere anymore thanks to the increased traffic caused by the fixed dynamic views websites.

Anyway, thanks a lot for spreading the word about the fix. It looks like thousands of dynamics views users have managed to solve their problem thanks to your effort. We promise to keep you posted and update the fix when necessary.

Happy hacking,

Päivi & Santeri
Datw said…
Thanks! I got this problem fixed,in a matter of seconds!
I had to look all over the internet till I found this post.
Really,thank you again!!
Julián Galar said…
thanks, thanks, thanks.

SpideRaY said…
Totally works my two blogger powered websites with dynamic now work fine without the need for an F5 refresh
Sam Nordberg said…
I wish this fix worked for me. I still have the same issue, and the bottom of my Dynamic Template code is a bit different: (tags removed for comment postability)

script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'
window.onload = function() {
Google has fixed this issue to their Dynamic views template. Resetting your template should work if you are still using faulty template, but that code looks like it should work fine.
Sam Nordberg said…
You're right. I was having a problem where only some CSS was loading. I switched to other themes and back multiple times, cleared cookies, logged-in/out, everything I could think of. Finally I think it was some incompatible widgets that had somehow carried over from the new themes to Dynamic Themes. Removing all widgets, then readding them seemed to help. No problems now. Thanks for your help.
No worries, good that it worked out for you. You might want to consider some other themes if you want to get traffic from search engines as Dynamic views are created dynamically and only Google is currently able to index them. Moreover, when your blogs gets more popular and you have over 100 posts, it will stop working well. That happened to us. Anyway, happy blogging!
Sam Nordberg said…
That's ok, I use modified "Awesome Inc" templates for blogs that I want traffic for. The Dynamic Template is a good replacement for Instagram, etc. I've got around 200 posts there, no problems so far (wish me luck haha). It's a real shame the Dynamic Templates never got the customization options other themes did. Mine is heavily customized now but it took a lot of wacky and precarious CSS. Thanks again.
We moved this blog post to Web & SEO Designers discussion forum . Please leave your new questions and comments to the forum. Thank you.
amazinge said…
#header #views {display: none;}
Päivi & Santeri said…
You are welcome, happy to help.

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