The Flight Marathon

The flight marathon:18 take-offs and landings, 35 hours of flying and 50 hours in airports within five days.

Greetings from Brazil! We arrived here last Thursday to celebrate the samba carnival with Pedro and Roseanne. After New Zealand the hot weather and crowds in the streets are more than attractive, not to mention big and affordable steak meals. However we still miss our little garden in Cheviot. Hope we will have a new opportunity to do gardening in Colombia or Bolivia :)

Free travel photos and video productions by Päivi & Santeri

We are going to stay a few weeks in Brasilia and then head northwards to Central America. There is no other plans but using bus. We got quite an overdose of flying (*). At some time in the future we would also like to visit Siberia in Russia and Japan. If any of our future destinations sounds attractive to you, or you plan to travel somewhere nearby, please let us know. We would love to see you. We will not travel to the other continents until the jet lag and flight allergy has been cured.

(*) We arrived in Brasilia after a 5-day-flight-marathon around the world from Christchurch, New Zealand to Brasilia, Brazil:

Christchurch: 2h airport + 1h30min flight
Auckland: 9h airport + 2h50min flight
Sydney: 3h45 airport + 6h15 flight
Denpasar: 4h airport + 2h50 flight
Kuala Lumpur: 9h airport + 9h45 min flight
Johannesburg: 1h airport + 1h45min flight
Capetown: 1h30min airport + 7h55min flight
Buenos Aires: 17h15min airport + 2h15min flight
Sao Paulo: 1h45min airport + 1h15min flight
-> Brasilia, Brazil

We do not recommend trying the same at home. 18 take-offs and landings plus over 35 hours of flying and 50 hours in airports within five days makes ass muscles hurt, feet swollen and head spin.

Keywords: Brazil, New Zealand, Flight Marathon, ass muscles hurt, feet swollen, head spin.


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